Welcome to the new SimpliFire web site. We've been doing a lot of work to improve the website, making it more informative about out products; letting you create shopping carts which can be quoted; and getting access to our support areas, which includes software downloads, the ability to generate problem reports and suggestions for new features and products.
We have also included package deals for individuals and companies to obtain complete starter systems quickly. Shooters that have used the system have fallen in love with it's simplicity, reliability, and ease-of-use. Even if you already have a system, the starter systems are convenient ways to handle wedding, special events, and small shows, and will give you immediate access to the full capabilities of the Mongoose software.
Stay tuned for more exciting products, content, demos, videos, and software upgrades in the coming weeks. This blog will be used to talk more about the unique features of Mongoose, real-world strategies for shooting in challenging situations, and a discussion of our philosophy for Mongoose. We have worked hard to make this the most capable wireless system on the market, at a prices that compare favorably to wired systems.
If you see any issues with the site, or would like us to consider adding things, please let us know through the Support Area, or feel free to drop us a note at info@simplifirepyro.com.